Virtual Presentations

Many organizations and clubs have decided that they still want to continue their gardening education, but prefer to have these presentations delivered by Brent Heath VIRTUALLY instead of in person. 

Topics available now through February 2021 for “Virtual Presentations” are as follows:

Bulb as Companion Plants

Whether you are planning to plant bulbs in a fresh, newly prepared empty garden, or whether you are adding them to an already existing one, Brent and Becky Heath, 3rd generation bulb growers and owners of Brent and Becky’s Bulbs from Gloucester, Virginia, will have the answers for you!  With exquisite images illustrating the seminar, they will introduce you to the best of the best…..the right bulbs for the right spots.  They’ll show you how to combine bulbs, perennials, annuals, ground covers and flowering shrubs that will create just the feeling you want to generate for three seasons in your garden.  After seeing and experiencing this seminar, you’ll leave with information and inspiration to produce a garden that you, your neighbors and friends will enjoy all year.

The Best Bulbs for Sexy Southern Landscapes

The term ‘bulb’ sometimes only brings up the mental image of daffodils and tulips, which we have heard won’t do well in our mild climate.  However, with proper selection and some environmental manipulation to help meet their requirements, we can have many spring flowering bulbs perennialize in our gardens after all!  There are many more types of exciting bulbs including the tropical ‘summer’ bulbs that are right at home in our hot, humid summers and mild winters.  In fact, in our milder climates, we are blessed with many opportunities to enjoy flowering bulbs in our gardens in combinations with many other plants in all or most seasons.  This seminar will give you an overview of the kinds of bulbs that can be successfully enjoyed in zones 7-10.

Tropical Paradise Garden with Summer Bulbs

From the tropical rain forest, the sunny shores of the Mediterranean, the veldt of South Africa and the slopes of the Andes, come bold, lush leaves and a myriad of stunning diverse flowers of summer bulbs.  Brent and Becky Heath, bulb growers from Gloucester, Virginia and owners of Brent and Becky’s Bulbs, will give you ideas on how to weave these spectacular bulb plants into your own relaxing, tropical garden getaway.  They will show you with breath-taking slides how to integrate summer bulbs with annuals, perennials, ground covers, trees and shrubs to create your own ultimate patio planter, window box, living sculpture or jungle.  You’ll also gather ideas on how to build the ultimate Evening Garden including luminescent, light colored, fragrant flowers.  Let’s plan and plant something different this summer

How will this work?

Presentations will be via ZOOM.  The person in charge of the program will receive an invitation to a zoom meeting with the link to the presentation.  If that person has a computer in a room with a BIG screen and projector that is hooked up to take the picture from the computer and put it on the screen, you can have as many people as you want in that room to see this presentation.  If you have people who prefer to be at home on their own computers, the person in charge will need to forward the zoom invitation and the link to everyone.  Everyone will be muted so you will only hear the information that Brent is sharing.  Beforehand, we will email a slide list so everyone can have that in front of them to reference or make notes while the presentation is going on.